Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Driver Robot - Lifesaver

Thought I'd review this great bit of software that I recently used after my laptop crashed. Driver Robot searches your computer for all hardware and loads the most up-to-date driver for each from its extensive database of drivers.

When you open Driver Robot, you will see 4 buttons on the left. They are titled "Driver Scan", "Downloads", "Exporter", and "Settings".

"Settings" is the program settings. "Export" saves a Driver Snapshot in case you need to download Drivers onto another computer. "Downloads" lists all of the Drivers that are currently being downloaded onto your computer. And finally, "Driver Scan" is of course the scanning of your computer for Drivers.

I went ahead and did a scan with Driver Robot. The scan was very quick, less than a minute. It found everything I have on my laptop, which is a high-spec Sony. I can't even get some of the drivers from Sony!!

Anyway, after the scan, I closed out of Driver Robot and ran a quick scan for Spyware. Everything came back clean, so I can say with certainty that Driver Robot does not have any type of Spyware.

I recommend trying out Driver Robot for yourself. You can quickly scan your computer to find outdated drivers, update them, and then see an improvement in the speed of your computer.

Driver Robot